Max and Ruby

Based on the popular children’s books, Max and Ruby has become a cutesy show for toddlers and of course for myself as well. Max and Ruby are bunny siblings living together without parents. Yes, you heard right. This show teaches kids that living on your own when you’re under 10 years of age is possible […]

Gullah Gullah Island

As a young white child living in rural Indiana, nothing was more fascinating to me than Gullah Gullah Island. I had never seen “island life” portrayed in this manner before. Life was like a party. They made it seem like they lived in The Bahamas or something, but apparently the show was shot on an […]

The Backyardigans

The Backyardians is a more recent show about anthropomorphic animals that have imaginary adventures in their connecting backyards. It’s more exciting than it sounds, trust me. Whenever I babysit I always suggest we watch The Backyardigans much to the children’s chagrin. Sorry that they have such catchy songs. Sorry I admire their craving for fun […]


Mooselicker Says: What you are about to read was written by a woman named Laura Wilson. I don’t know much about her, but she seems to hate Iceland and after this I’m thinking I do too. Did you know it’s not really even that icy? That would be like if the United States was divided […]

Blue’s Clues

I was 9 years old when Blue’s Clues made it’s debut. Intrigued by the show, I watched it even though I was probably older than the intended audience. I knew I was too old for it because my mom told me I was. Blue’s Clues is about a dog named Blue and her dumb owner […]

Dora the Explorer

Let me just start off by saying Dora is a bitch. You’re probably thinking that I’m being way too harsh towards that little four year old Mexican girl, but I think you’re being too soft. Dora is abusive to her audience and if no one’s going to stand up and stop the cruelty, I will. […]