Life with Louie

If aliens came to this planet and were introduced to every stand-up comedian in the world then asked which ones should have a cartoon made about their childhoods, Louie Anderson would near the bottom of the list. Unfortunately for us aliens always crash whenever they come here so such a list has never been made. […]

Attack of the Killer Tomatoes: The Animated Series

Mooselicker Says: I always hated vegetables as a kid. In order to write about this particular show which was all about killer vegetables (I guess they’re technically fruits, but who really considers a tomato a fruit?) I enlisted the help of a young man Corey Harnish.  Maybe he’s not young. Who cares? Enjoy. It’s very […]


I was one of those people who could get away with liking Pokemon in middle school because my younger brother liked them. Is that an excuse? Maybe not. I have to give props to the creators of Pokemon for thinking up a whole new world with crazy creatures. Now let’s get one thing straight off […]

Tiny Toons

Mooselicker says: Here is a guest post from fellow writer and now official blogger Rose Harmon. You can find her new blog at Red Headed Spitfire. As children of the ʻ90s, we were firmly entrenched in a very unique time in popular culture. Our toys were basic, our games were dangerous, and we learned social skills before […]

X-Men: The Animated Series

My mother always made sure my Halloween costume matched my younger sister’s. When I was in kindergarten I was Rajah the tiger from Aladdin while my sister was Jasmine. When I was in third grade I was Rodney King and my sister was a white cop with a tire iron. In first grade though, my […]


Books are cool. Well, sort of. I don’t really read much. I know, I should pretend like I’m well-read and enjoyed The Great Gatsby but I didn’t. F. Scott Fitzgerald describes gruesome death in half a sentence. Get a little detailed, will you dude? Talk about how the guts are mangled in the street. Use […]

The Magical World of Bobby

Mooselicker says: The following is a guest post written by woman named Rose Harmon. Is it polite to call a female a woman? I certainly know worse words I could refer to them as which I won’t get into because this is about her and I should shut up now. The Magical World of Bobby […]


The show Madeline never got enough street cred. Originally a children’s book, Madeline was a cute little story about twelve girls who were at boarding school with their teacher Miss Clavel. Miss Clavel should’ve been called Sister Clavel or whatever her first name was because she was a nun. The story was set in Paris […]

Power Rangers

Mooselicker Says: This is another guest post not written by me although I could claim full credit because who would ever copyright something written for a blog? The following was written by Pete at Evolution of Insanity. I always imagine anything he writes in his English voice so you should do the same because I’m […]

Spider-Man: The Animated Series

By now we all know the story of Peter Parker, the nerdy high school photography student who gets bitten by a genetically altered spider and becomes Spider-Man. Really the only spider quality he has is the ability to shoot web out from his wrists. That’s like any fat guy making a costume then calling himself […]